Thursday, June 5, 2014

Have a Nice Summer!

I appreciate all of your hard work this semester. Great job! 

Have a nice, safe summer!


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Gatsby Film 2

No bellringer. Chromebooks have been collected.

Recap: We finished the first Gatsby film, and then we began the new version. Please remember that you will be asked to do a compare/contrast on them on your test next week, and also decide which is the better adaptation of the film.

The papers are looking really good! Keep up this good work!


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Great Gatsby --Original Film

Bellringer: How do you think the film and the book will compare?

Recap: I collected your research papers today. So far, they seem very good. If you have not submitted your paper, it is late.

We then began watching the original Great Gatsby film. You will be asked to compare the two films in an essay on your final test next week. You will also be asked to decide which adaptation is kept truer to the book.

Have a nice evening. Please hang in there. I know you're ready for the year to be over, but it's more important to finish strong than finish quickly.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Peer Edit

Bellringer: What questions do you have your research papers?

Recap: We worked on our peer edits today, and I answered any questions you might have on the assignment. Your paper is due tomorrow with the peer edit and outline. 


Have a nice evening!


Friday, May 23, 2014

Gatsby Research Outlines w/ Quotes

Bellringer: What questions do you have about your research?

Recap: Today I checked your research outlines. You needed to have your 3 claims with the quotes to support. I was also checking those outlines that had incorporated their research so I could make sure the research accurately supported the claims. I saw some very nice outlines, and some that still need a bit more work.

Homework: Enjoy the holiday weekend! Have a rough draft for Tuesday so that we can complete the peer edits.

Papers will be due Wednesday!

Have a great weekend! 


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Research Paper Outlines

Bellringer: What did you find most interesting about The Great Gatsby?

Recap: We began today by reviewing plagiarism. I want you all to have a clear understanding of what it is, but more importantly, how you can avoid it. You can review the power point if you would like any further clarification.

We then began our outlines for the research papers. The outline format is similar to the other papers we have done, only I have added a research element into it.

Homework: For tomorrow, please be sure to have a full outline. I need to be able to see the 3 claims you are making, the quotes you are using to support the claims, and the web sites you are planning on using for your research.

In tomorrow's class, I will check citations. Don't forget, you can add as an extension through the chrome store. Doing this will allow you to immediately cite the information; thus, removing the chance of plagiarism.

Nice work today! Have a nice night!


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Gatsby Chapter 9 and Socratic Seminar

BellringerHow does this quote also represent the American Dream?

“Gatsby’s house, had once pandered in whispers to the last and greatest of all human dreams…”(180).

Recap: We completed chapter 9 today, learning that, though Gatsby was labeled "great," no one arrives to his funeral. His father, though, whom he discredits, does show up. Tom and Daisy have retreated into their money, and do not even acknowledge his death.

Below are the webs for chapter 9.

Period 1/2

Period 7/8

We also conducted our Socratic seminar on the research topics for the book. The transcripts for the conversations are below. Please feel free to look them over, as I feel they will be a big help for your research papers!

Great job with these seminars!

Period 1/2

Period 7/8

***Please note: If you change your mind on your topic, please change no later than tonight. After tomorrow, you will put yourself behind by switching.

Have a nice night!