Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Great Gatsby Chapters 7 and 8

BellringerWhat does Daisy’s quote reveal about Gatsby’s character?

“Oh you want too much. I love you now, isn’t that enough?” (132).

Recap: We reviewed chapters 7 and 8 today, which really are the climax of the novel. Chapter 7 shows us how Gatsby and Daisy's romance has rekindled since their meeting at Nick's house, but now Tom is onto them. Myrtle Wilson's husband also has a feeling she is cheating, so he says they are going to move west. Tom now stands to lose both his wife and mistress.
The group then ventures into the city, where Tom begins to call Gatsby out for being a bootlegger, and for having not attended Oxford. Gatsby tries to tell Tom that Daisy never loved him, but we see by the end that this isn't true, and Daisy goes back to Tom.
Chapter 7 concludes with Daisy driving Gatsby's car back home, when Myrtle quickly runs into the road. Daisy hits and kills her, but shows now remorse for her actions.

Chapter 8 has Nick telling Gatsby to get out of town. Gatsby refuses to leave. George Wilson has information that leads him to believe that Gatsby was both Myrtle's lover and killer, so George sneaks up on Gatsby when he is using his pool, and shoots and kills him.

Below are the webs from today. Nice job!

Period 1/2

Period 7/8

Link to Chapter 8

We also watched a video that gives a great overview of the book. If you'd like to watch it again, because he does an excellent job with symbolism and the American Dream, click here.

Homework: Read chapter 9. Write 1 question for your research paper, and another for a different topic. Socratic seminar tomorrow.

Nice work! Have a great night!


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