Thursday, May 22, 2014

Research Paper Outlines

Bellringer: What did you find most interesting about The Great Gatsby?

Recap: We began today by reviewing plagiarism. I want you all to have a clear understanding of what it is, but more importantly, how you can avoid it. You can review the power point if you would like any further clarification.

We then began our outlines for the research papers. The outline format is similar to the other papers we have done, only I have added a research element into it.

Homework: For tomorrow, please be sure to have a full outline. I need to be able to see the 3 claims you are making, the quotes you are using to support the claims, and the web sites you are planning on using for your research.

In tomorrow's class, I will check citations. Don't forget, you can add as an extension through the chrome store. Doing this will allow you to immediately cite the information; thus, removing the chance of plagiarism.

Nice work today! Have a nice night!


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