Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Great Gatsby--Chapter 1

BellringerHow do you think the following quote helps to predict Nick’s character and his role in the story?
“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone...just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had” (Page 1).

Recap: We completed a close reading web for Chapter 1 as a class. This was our way of pooling all of your webs together into one complete web. We also did 3 examples of says, means, matters. This is how your group webs should be completed as well.

Period 1/2
Period 7/8

You did a nice job with these, and I can see a lot of thought went into some of them. Please remember that you're group's web will count as a test grade. You can see the project sheet or rubric for any clarification. Don't be afraid to email me with questions, either. 

Additionally, we watched a brief clip on the life of F.Scott Fitzgerald. If any of you are considering doing your research paper on the idea that he has included himself into the novel, this would be a great starting point.  

Your research paper topics have been shared with you. It's in your best interest to choose a topic by the end of Chapter 2. This will ensure that we do not read too far into the book for you to find information. 

Homework: Read chapter 2. 

Have a nice evening!

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