Monday, May 12, 2014

The American Jazz Era

Bellringer: What is the Jazz Era?

Recap: We visited the Media Center to pick up our copies of The Great Gatsby. If you were absent, please be sure to obtain your copy. You may also purchase one if you'd prefer, but borrow one first so that you have it.

We then explored the Jazz Era and the life of F.Scott Fitzgerald to give context to the book. It's critical to understand the Roaring 20's and bootlegging for this novel. These themes will also tie into your final paper for the class. Likewise, one may argue that Fitzgerald has included himself into the text, so we discussed his life as well.

We watched a brief clip of the idea of the American Dream, as well. Some have argued that Gatsby represents America throughout the book; however, the idea of the American Dream, and what people would do in order to achieve that dream, runs rampant throughout the novel. It's the entire basis for it, in fact.

Additionally, we took a brief look at Prohibition. We will be exploring this throughout the week as well.

Homework: We divided into 9 groups today. If you haven't heard from your group, please see me tomorrow, and we will assign you to one. For tonight, read Chapter 1. Each group will submit a neatly done web, complete with Says, Means, Matters. All groups are responsible for reading all chapters; however, your group has one assigned chapter to present. The directions are shared with you for the Gatsby Lit Circles. 

I should also have all papers shared with me or in my hands at this time. If I do not, the paper is late.

I missed you all! Have a nice evening!


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