Thursday, February 27, 2014

Early Settlers and Slave Narrative Test Day

BellringerVisit The New York Times to see the word of the day. Copy the word and definition, and provide a sentence for it.

Recap: We played Kahoot! to review for the test before taking it today. Many of you had not played Kahoot! before, but it seemed like you really enjoyed it. I think it's a fun and engaging way to review; plus, it helps to wake you up and energize you a bit before the test. The leading scorers who make the board receive a bonus point on his or her test. Great job to my winners! :-)

We then took your unit test on Early Settlers and Slave Narratives. If you were out, please review the following:

"Rebels in America" video notes
"Slavery and the Making of America" video notes
"La Relacion"
"The Narrative of Olaudah Equiano"
"Frederick Douglass Chapter VI" of My Bondage My Freedom
"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

I also checked bellringers 11-20 today. Please show them to me upon your return to class. I'm noticing that you're really keeping up with these, which is terrific. They are the best way to help keep your grade up in class!

Regarding the Salem Witch Trials project: I will have several students out tomorrow for SAT Prep. Rather than punish or burden the rest of the group in their absence, I have decided to give you until Monday to finish the project. Following the test today, you were able to work in your groups. I hope this time has been utilized wisely, and you sought me for any additional help or questions. That is what I am here for!

Great work today! It is such a pleasure being your teacher! Enjoy the rest of your evening!


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Bellringer: How does religion relate to the early settlers?

Recap: We read "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," beginning with Jonathan Edwards' biography on page 118. We noted the metaphors and similes used to convey God's wrath. 

We also reviewed for your unit test, which is tomorrow. Please review your "Rebels in America" and "Slavery and the Making of America" worksheets that we discussed in class. Also, review Cabeza de Vaca, Olaudah Equiano, Frederick Douglass, and Jonthan Edwards' stories.

Have a great night!


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Vocabulary Quiz and Jamestown Dig

BellringerVisit the following link

Write the word and definition provided, then create a sentence using the word.  

Recap: We took our first vocabulary quiz today as a group. Each group was required to provide the definition, a picture to illustrate the word, and a sentence using the word. I wanted to switch the format a bit.

We then completed a virtual dig of Jamestown, so you could see what the early settlements looked like, what resources they had, and what life was like. I find that understanding the source of the literature (where it comes from) is like close reading the text: you need to understand the depth of where it comes from, and the mindset of the writer, in order to understand the text as a whole.

Tomorrow we will begin "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

Have a great night! I hope to meet some of your parents this evening!


Monday, February 24, 2014

Says, Means, Matters and Socratic Seminar

Bellringer: How do the two slave narratives we read compare?

Recap: Class began with Says, Means, Matters. There was an example shared with you. 

            Next, we created a close reading web using concrete examples from Chapter VI of Frederick Douglass's autobiography. Each group was then asked to fill in the Says, Means, Matters chart using examples from the text. This will help you to create thesis statements. We then created a one sentence thesis based on the information provided.

Following this activity, we held a mini Socratic seminar, where each student was asked to participate by comparing and contrasting Frederick Douglass's story with Olaudah Equiano's, or the slave video watched on Friday. 

Homework: Vocabulary Quiz Tomorrow!

Awesome work today!


Friday, February 21, 2014

Slavery and the Making of America

Bellringer: How does slavery fit into the unit about early settlers in America?

*I asked you this bellringer today so you consider the possibilities of how slavery could be part of this unit, while also considering the importance of learning the slave narrative. These hidden histories will help to better connect you to the literature.

Recap: We began with a quick review of yesterday's story, so we could connect it to today's video, "Slavery and the Making of America." 

If you were absent, or missed any part of the class, we only watched the first 45 minutes of the film, and answered the questions on the corresponding worksheet.

We then began reading Chapter 6 of Frederick Douglass's My Bondage My Freedom. What you do not finish is homework for Monday. 

We will be moving on in the close reading webs to Says, Means, Matters, and using this story to help us with that transition. We will also be holding a mini Socratic seminar to discuss the comparisons and contrasts between what we learned in Equiano's story, the video, and My Bondage My Freedom. 

I hope you all enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend! Thank you for your hard work this week! It is such a joy being your teacher! :-) 


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano

Bellringer: What is a slave? 

Recap: We reviewed the sentences that you were to have completed for homework. This was meant to show you the terms in a different context.

We then read "The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano," including his biography on page 68 in the textbook. 

Notes: This is what is referred to as a "Slave Narrative," where the harsh realities of slavery are exposed. Many historians dispute Equiano's claims from his memoir; however, many others state that because he was trying to expose the evils of slavery, it does not matter if the story was genuinely his own. 

His story is similar to Cabeza de Vaca's in that it is a first-hand account (first person point of view), and acts as a journal of what happened. 

Equiano was a slave for 21 years before being released into his freedom, but ironically, had also owned slaves. He moved to England where he worked at trying to expose slavery. 

Homework: Your vocabulary test on this unit will be Tuesday, your unit test will be Thursday, along with your bellringer check, and your Salem Witch Trials project will be due Friday. Please begin working with your groups on how you would like to disperse the workload. Keep in mind what you feel is important for the class to know about your topic. 

Have a great night! Thank you for all of your hard work! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Catch-Up Day

Bellringer: There was no bellringer today in 1/2. Period 7/8 completed the bellringer given last Tuesday, which is posted in the previous blog post.

Recap: Today in 1/2 we reviewed La Relacion to refresh your memory on the story, and then completed the vocabulary worksheet. 

We also began a research project for the Salem Witch Trials. The class will be flipped, and you will be responsible for teaching the history of the time to the class. In groups of 6, topics were selected. You may then break down each topic as you see fit, assigning or designating certain parts to each individual member. The project outline can be found here, or on your Google Drive. 

Your completed Power Point will be due in class next Thursday.

Homework: Sentences for vocabulary words.

1. Vocab quiz Tuesday.
2. Unit Test Wednesday
3. Projects due Thursday

I'm sorry the unit needed to be so condensed due to the weather. I appreciate all of your hard work!


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

La Relacion

BellringerWhat does the following quote describe about the conditions the settlers faced?

“Our bodies so emaciated we could easily count every bone and looked the very picture of death.” page 73  

Recap: While watching the snow fall, we read page 18-20 in the textbook, recapping the colonial experience, and the dawn of American writing.

We then began La Relacion, starting with Cabeza de Vaca's biography, on page 68. The focus of the story was the initial experience of the early Spanish conquistadors.

Enjoy your early dismissal! Stay safe!


Monday, February 10, 2014

American Colonization and the First Settlers

I hope you all had a nice weekend, and you've been enjoying the Olympics as much as I have!

Bellringer: What do you already know about American settlers?

Recap: We began our next unit on the early settlers today. Rather than present you with a Power Point, I felt that the video from the History Channel did a much better job of highlighting the introduction of the settlers, and their early struggles here. If you were absent today, or if you would like to re-watch the video, please click the link "Rebels in America."  

The worksheet that corresponds to the video can be found here, or in your shared Google drive. 

We then reviewed the worksheet to be sure all answers were correct. This sheet will act as your introductory notes, so be sure to keep them handy.

Following the video on the American Settlers, we watched a brief video on Cabeza de Vaca.  This will correspond to the first story we will read from the unit, and give an overview of the Spanish Conquistadors before the English settlers.

Have a great night!


Friday, February 7, 2014

Peer Edit and Final Draft

Bellringer: What are you most looking forward to with the next unit?

Recap: Today we worked on our second draft of a place that's important to you. You should have had a completed first draft prepared for class today, and then we conducted a peer swap. I have shared a peer edit form with you. This form must be completed and included on your final draft. You were to switch papers with a partner, and each complete a form. If the element was met, check it off on the form. If something was not met, leave it blank, and tell the person what has to be corrected. The completed form must be included on your paper, as it is worth points on your paper. 

Homework: Your final draft is due by Monday. Please be sure to review the guidelines. You may share your paper, but it must I must receive the email notification. I will not be hunting for any one's paper. You may also print and submit if preferred. Essays must be double space typed. MLA format. 

Have a great weekend! Thank you for all of your hard work!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Narrative Drafting about an Important Place

Bellringer: What have you learned through your writing thus far?

Recap: Today we refocused our thesis statements into neater, more complete statements. Following this, the body paragraphs were expanded, and flushed into more complete ideas. This will be your first draft.

Homework: For tomorrow, you need to have a completed draft for someone to look over. Your partner should be able to comment on the piece, correct spelling and grammar, and be able to offer suggestions for adding or removing information.

Your paper will be due Monday, February 10th, which gives you the whole weekend to work on, and make corrections to, your assignment.

Have a nice night!


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Place That's Important to Me

Bellringer(Insert a place) is important to me because


Fill in the above prompt, and justify your answer with at least 3 reasons.

Recap: I gave you that bellringer to help you formulate your thesis statement for a place that's important to you. If you can't find 3 reasons to support your answer, then you probably don't have enough material to work with. Selecting 3 reasons will also help in formulating your thesis statement.

You may begin writing in one of two ways:

1. Expand on your bullet points, turning them into sentences. Then, add transitions to those sentences. Add other sentences to complete thoughts, and then add adjectives and adverbs to describe.


2. Just write. Don't worry about grammar or spelling, at first. Just write. Go with the flow of your thoughts until you think you have captured the full event. Then, we can break this into smaller sentences and paragraphs, correcting spelling and grammar.

Either way is acceptable for this assignment, just be sure to have a completed draft for tomorrow.

If you are unsure of where to start, review the Thesis Statement Power Point I've shared with you. 

I also checked bellringers 1-10 today. If you were absent, I will need to see them upon your return. Please remember that you are responsible for any bellringers you miss while you are out. 

Homework: Completed first draft with a thesis statement for your place. Additional instructions for the assignment, are in the project description sheet. 

Have a great night!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Native American Storytelling and Close Reading Test

Today marked our first test day in the class, and I'm proud to say that you all did very well. 

Bellringer: What was your favorite/least favorite part of this unit?

Recap: We completed our first test in class today on close reading and Native American Storytelling. The test was 20 short answer questions, and covered the notes we've been completing in class over the past few weeks. 

Following the test, we began defining the literary terms that I had shared with you. The link to the terms has been provided.

Homework: I will be checking bellringers and vocab tomorrow if you did not show me today. We will also begin working on our first writing assignment in class tomorrow. Make sure to have considered a place that is important to you. 

Have a great night!


Monday, February 3, 2014

Rainy Mountain and Test Review

I hope you all had a nice weekend!

BellringerHow does “Rainy Mountain” relate to the other stories within the unit?

Recap: We finished "Rainy Mountain." The reading was broken down by page, and at the end of each page we stopped to discuss the author's purpose. 

Open spaces---->confined spaces

Memories of his people----->his memories at the house

What the tribe was----->what they came to be.

Notice how Momaday moves from the bigger picture to the smaller one. His story is built on memory moments, and making connections. He uses a great deal of imagery to convey his story, and paint a clear picture in the reader's mind.

Following the story, we created close reading webs by group. If you miss any webs, you need to make them up in order to receive the credit. 

We also reviewed for the test. Please be sure to know:

1. The 6 elements that make up the close reading webs.
2. The tribe associated with each story read
3. The connection between all 3 stories
4. The central theme (what each story is trying to explain) for all 3 stories
5. Review notes on Native American history, including where each tribe was from

If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a great night!