Friday, February 21, 2014

Slavery and the Making of America

Bellringer: How does slavery fit into the unit about early settlers in America?

*I asked you this bellringer today so you consider the possibilities of how slavery could be part of this unit, while also considering the importance of learning the slave narrative. These hidden histories will help to better connect you to the literature.

Recap: We began with a quick review of yesterday's story, so we could connect it to today's video, "Slavery and the Making of America." 

If you were absent, or missed any part of the class, we only watched the first 45 minutes of the film, and answered the questions on the corresponding worksheet.

We then began reading Chapter 6 of Frederick Douglass's My Bondage My Freedom. What you do not finish is homework for Monday. 

We will be moving on in the close reading webs to Says, Means, Matters, and using this story to help us with that transition. We will also be holding a mini Socratic seminar to discuss the comparisons and contrasts between what we learned in Equiano's story, the video, and My Bondage My Freedom. 

I hope you all enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend! Thank you for your hard work this week! It is such a joy being your teacher! :-) 


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