Friday, February 7, 2014

Peer Edit and Final Draft

Bellringer: What are you most looking forward to with the next unit?

Recap: Today we worked on our second draft of a place that's important to you. You should have had a completed first draft prepared for class today, and then we conducted a peer swap. I have shared a peer edit form with you. This form must be completed and included on your final draft. You were to switch papers with a partner, and each complete a form. If the element was met, check it off on the form. If something was not met, leave it blank, and tell the person what has to be corrected. The completed form must be included on your paper, as it is worth points on your paper. 

Homework: Your final draft is due by Monday. Please be sure to review the guidelines. You may share your paper, but it must I must receive the email notification. I will not be hunting for any one's paper. You may also print and submit if preferred. Essays must be double space typed. MLA format. 

Have a great weekend! Thank you for all of your hard work!

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