Monday, February 3, 2014

Rainy Mountain and Test Review

I hope you all had a nice weekend!

BellringerHow does “Rainy Mountain” relate to the other stories within the unit?

Recap: We finished "Rainy Mountain." The reading was broken down by page, and at the end of each page we stopped to discuss the author's purpose. 

Open spaces---->confined spaces

Memories of his people----->his memories at the house

What the tribe was----->what they came to be.

Notice how Momaday moves from the bigger picture to the smaller one. His story is built on memory moments, and making connections. He uses a great deal of imagery to convey his story, and paint a clear picture in the reader's mind.

Following the story, we created close reading webs by group. If you miss any webs, you need to make them up in order to receive the credit. 

We also reviewed for the test. Please be sure to know:

1. The 6 elements that make up the close reading webs.
2. The tribe associated with each story read
3. The connection between all 3 stories
4. The central theme (what each story is trying to explain) for all 3 stories
5. Review notes on Native American history, including where each tribe was from

If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a great night!


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