Monday, February 10, 2014

American Colonization and the First Settlers

I hope you all had a nice weekend, and you've been enjoying the Olympics as much as I have!

Bellringer: What do you already know about American settlers?

Recap: We began our next unit on the early settlers today. Rather than present you with a Power Point, I felt that the video from the History Channel did a much better job of highlighting the introduction of the settlers, and their early struggles here. If you were absent today, or if you would like to re-watch the video, please click the link "Rebels in America."  

The worksheet that corresponds to the video can be found here, or in your shared Google drive. 

We then reviewed the worksheet to be sure all answers were correct. This sheet will act as your introductory notes, so be sure to keep them handy.

Following the video on the American Settlers, we watched a brief video on Cabeza de Vaca.  This will correspond to the first story we will read from the unit, and give an overview of the Spanish Conquistadors before the English settlers.

Have a great night!


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