Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Place That's Important to Me

Bellringer(Insert a place) is important to me because


Fill in the above prompt, and justify your answer with at least 3 reasons.

Recap: I gave you that bellringer to help you formulate your thesis statement for a place that's important to you. If you can't find 3 reasons to support your answer, then you probably don't have enough material to work with. Selecting 3 reasons will also help in formulating your thesis statement.

You may begin writing in one of two ways:

1. Expand on your bullet points, turning them into sentences. Then, add transitions to those sentences. Add other sentences to complete thoughts, and then add adjectives and adverbs to describe.


2. Just write. Don't worry about grammar or spelling, at first. Just write. Go with the flow of your thoughts until you think you have captured the full event. Then, we can break this into smaller sentences and paragraphs, correcting spelling and grammar.

Either way is acceptable for this assignment, just be sure to have a completed draft for tomorrow.

If you are unsure of where to start, review the Thesis Statement Power Point I've shared with you. 

I also checked bellringers 1-10 today. If you were absent, I will need to see them upon your return. Please remember that you are responsible for any bellringers you miss while you are out. 

Homework: Completed first draft with a thesis statement for your place. Additional instructions for the assignment, are in the project description sheet. 

Have a great night!


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