Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Catch-Up Day

Bellringer: There was no bellringer today in 1/2. Period 7/8 completed the bellringer given last Tuesday, which is posted in the previous blog post.

Recap: Today in 1/2 we reviewed La Relacion to refresh your memory on the story, and then completed the vocabulary worksheet. 

We also began a research project for the Salem Witch Trials. The class will be flipped, and you will be responsible for teaching the history of the time to the class. In groups of 6, topics were selected. You may then break down each topic as you see fit, assigning or designating certain parts to each individual member. The project outline can be found here, or on your Google Drive. 

Your completed Power Point will be due in class next Thursday.

Homework: Sentences for vocabulary words.

1. Vocab quiz Tuesday.
2. Unit Test Wednesday
3. Projects due Thursday

I'm sorry the unit needed to be so condensed due to the weather. I appreciate all of your hard work!


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