Thursday, January 16, 2014

Class Banner

I hope you feel that we're off to a good start so far, and you're excited for your English class!

One thing I like to do is allow students to take ownership of the space where they will be learning. In order to do this, I want you to help design the class so you feel represented here. I think this makes the room more inviting to you, but also allows you to take pride in your classroom. 

In order to do this, we will be creating a class banner. It will be made up of individual squares that you design and create to represent you. We will be working on these in class on Friday, so be sure to bring in any supplies you will need (i.e. markers, glitter, stickers, etc.) I have some materials, but nothing that would be specific to you. I will be providing the square.

I know some of you have done this for me before, but I want you to participate again. This gives you the opportunity to show a different side of yourself, or to change the design that you had for the first one. 

There is also a brief writing assignment attached to the project, which gives you the opportunity to start your semester off well! This assignment will be worth 20 points: 5 for the square itself, 5 for how well it represents you, 5 for meeting the sentence requirement, and 5 for spelling and grammar. 

Consider how you would like to feel represented in the space. It can be as public as a jersey number, or as personal as a picture or quote that you like. 

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