Monday, January 27, 2014

Friday and Monday Recap

I hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend! 

Friday-Ms.Polson came to speak to the class on Naviance. Everyone took a personality quiz to help them choose a career path, and Ms.Polson discussed scholarship availability, and how to apply. 

BellringerWhat do you think about “The World on the Turtle’s Back” in comparison to other creation myths and stories? (Does it fit in? Stand out? Could it make sense?)

Monday- Today we picked up where we left off last week. 

Bellringer- Using the information from our close reading notes, list one of the devices you noticed in “World on the Turtle’s Back.”

Recap: We were able to create a close reading web using the information from the Power Point last week and the story. I will post the individual class webs under the tab that corresponds to that class at the top of the page.

We also watched a brief video version of "World on the Turtle's Back," as well as the Navajo and Ojibway creation myths. We made comparisons and contrasts between the myths. (This link will take you to 9 different creation myths. You can click on them individually.)

On page 36 in the textbook, we began reading the biography of Morning Dove, and will read "Coyote and the Buffalo" tomorrow.

Students were asked to begin considering a place that is important to them. Later in the week we will begin writing about that place.

Have a great day, and a great week ahead!


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