Thursday, January 30, 2014

Coyote and Buffalo

I hope you all enjoyed your two days off, and your delay this morning!

Bellringer: What is a folktale?

Recap: We read the story "Coyote and Buffalo" in groups, and then discussed as a class. I want to break up how we do some readings in here in order to meet the different reading styles of everyone in the class. The class then created close reading webs in the groups they worked in, and submitted them for credit. The hyperlink will take you to the web we created as a class.

Tomorrow we will be covering "Rainy Mountain" after we finish folktales. 

Homework: Please be thinking about a place that is important to you.

Quiz on the Native American unit has been moved to Tuesday

Bellringer check 1 will now be Wednesday

Have a nice evening, and stay safe! Watch out for black ice while the snow is melting and re-freezing!


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