Thursday, January 23, 2014

"The World on the Turtle's Back"

I hope you are enjoying the Native American and storytelling unit! 

BellringerHow does the following quote represent the Iroquois who told the story? “Here lived gods who were like people--like Iroquois.”

Recap: Today we began with a short video on Native American storytelling. You can view the video here. I think this clip gives an excellent overview of their style of narration, and an interesting insight into their way of thinking, especially regarding creation.

We read on page 32 in the textbook about the Iroquois way of life, and then read "World on the Turtle's Back." The reading was done as a class, and interjected with discussion about the piece. These are the class notes from today's reading.

Tomorrow we will work on the web for close reading. The first one we will do as a class so that you can see how it should look. After this, you will be asked to create webs on your own, or in groups. 

You are all awesome! Have a great night!


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