Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Close Reading and Native American Storytelling

Hey Y'All!

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend! Today, we got back to the grind!

Bellringer: What is literary analysis?

Recap: We picked up SSR books from the library. If you didn't find one, or you have one at home that you are already reading, please be sure to bring it with you tomorrow. We'll be starting off each day with a few minutes of silent reading. I really believe that this helps you to build your vocabulary and close reading skills.

We also reviewed the Power Point on close reading. There are 6 key ideas that we will cover and identify each time we read a story. This can be found here as well as in your Google Drive.

Also, remember: "What it says, what it means, why it matters." Says. Means. Matters. We will be discussing this in relation to analysis as well.

Sign your syllabus by the end of the day if you haven't already! And, make sure that I have your written assignment!

Have a great day!


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