Friday, January 31, 2014

Native American Folktales

Happy Friday!

BellringerWhat do you think the following quote says about the story? How does it change from the previous stories we've read? “Your imagination comes to life, and this, you think, is where Creation was begun.” ~ Page 52

Recap: Today we watched two brief videos to illustrate two additional Native American folktales. I wanted to expose you to as many different folktales as possible, 1.) so you could see the themes that run throughout them, and 2.) to have as much fun with this unit as possible before we move onto the more "practical" writing portion of our class.

"The Raven Who Stole the Moon"

"The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush" 

We also visited The Indian Fairy Book, and each group chose a story to read. We then did a compare/contrast between the themes seen in the stories each group read versus the stories we have read in class. (Again, looking at common themes.)

In the textbook, we began reading, "Rainy Mountain," and will finish that on Monday. Your test on this unit will be Tuesday.

Have a great weekend! Enjoy the warmer weather! :-) 


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