Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Huck Finn Chapters 13-18

Bellringer: What are the qualities that make a good teacher?

Recap: We continued our discussion today after our quiz on chapters 13-18. Remember, these quizzes are just meant to keep you accountable to your reading assignments.

Period 1/2 Chapters 13-18
Period 7/8 Chapters 13-18

Homework: Read chapters 19-21, and create a close reading web.

Please keep in mind that just because it is the end of the semester does not mean you should be slacking off now. I have seen too many students put themselves into a predicament by slacking off at this point. We still have this book to finish plus The Great Gatsby. If you are not up to at least chapter 20 by this evening, you will need to dedicate some time to getting caught up.

Have a nice evening!


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