Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Patrick Henry's Speech to the Virginia Convention

Bellringer: What does "Give me liberty or give me death!" mean?

Recap: We reviewed Rhetoric and Rhetorical Analysis today, beginning with a Power Point on what that means. We primarily looked for Ethos, Logos, Pathos, as all 3 elements must be present in order for true persuasion to take place. If any of those 3 is missing, you may still have the chance to persuade, but your argument will be very weak. 

We then read "Patrick Henry's Speech to the Virginia Convention" where Patrick Henry convinces the delegates of the convention to go to war against England; thus, leading to the Revolutionary War. You'll notice a switch to more practical writing with this unit. After our reading, we split into 10 groups, with each group examining one paragraph in the speech, and looking for Ethos, Logos, Pathos, as well as the rhetorical device being used. 

Have a nice evening! 


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