Monday, April 21, 2014

Samuel Clemens AKA Mark Twain

Bellringer: Who is Samuel Clemens?

Recap: As we've discussed before, in order to understand the purpose behind The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, we first need to understand the author. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) incorporated many of his own beliefs and opinions into his work. Huck Finn, in particular, provides many of his opinions towards imperialism and slavery in the south. 

We began our exploration into understanding the author by viewing a Mini Bio of Samuel Clemens. This provided a general overview and key ideas that needed to be understood.

We then read through a more in-depth biography on the official web site: The Mark Twain House and Museum. Please read through the Biography, and then, under "the House" take the virtual tour. Clemens became very wealthy in his lifetime, but due to overspending, died a broke man. (This can be seen in his lavish home.) 

Clemens lived through the industrialization of the United States, the Civil War, and an end to slavery. All of these ideas becoming prevalent in his writing. 

Our exploration was rounded out by reading about his time on the Mississippi River as a Riverboat Pilot. In order to truly comprehend Huck and Jim's adventure down the river, it is best to gain an understanding of the river itself, as it takes on its own character in the story. Please read section II about "Old Times on the Mississippi" as presented in the scrapbook by PBS. 

Homework: Please read chapters 1,2 and 3 tonight. We will hold a discussion and seminar tomorrow, so come prepared to take notes. Beginning Wednesday, you will be asked to prepare discussion questions on an assigned chapter and lead a class discussion on your chapter. 

Have a nice evening! I've really missed you all!


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