Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Chapters 1,2,3

BellringerWhat does this quote from Huck reveal about Twain’s personal feelings about the south during this time?

“They get down on a thing when they don’t know nothing about it” (4).

**Remember, this is the author's way of adding his own personal feelings into the text, and questioning the long-held beliefs of people in the south. He disagrees with their lifestyle, and has been questioning why they are so willing to accept these evils.

Recap: We began with making a close reading web for chapters 1,2 and 3.

This will help us to begin discovering the author's purpose. In these first few chapters, it is to establish Huck's need for adventure, and his willingness to questions everything. 

We then held a discussion seminar. The notes for this are posted below, and we will continue with them tomorrow. Nice job!

We will continue this discussion tomorrow. Please be sure to read chapters 4,5,6 tonight for homework. If you are designated to lead the discussion on any of those chapters tomorrow, please come prepared with your discussion questions.

Have a nice evening!


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