Thursday, April 24, 2014

Huck Finn Class Discussion and Analysis Chapters 4,5

BellringerWhat does Huck’s plan for escaping Pap tell you about his intelligence?

Recap: We spent today getting caught up on the class notes, and taking the time to analyze some of the characters and their actions. These discussions are my FAVORITE part about English literature. We can see one thing from so many different angles, and you all had BRILLIANT insight and opinions on this book!

I also wanted to make sure that we don't fall behind on notes, so you don't get confused. In case you missed it, the links to the notes from today are listed below.

Period 1/2--Chapters 4,5,6

Period 7/8--Chapters 4,5,6

I think it's important to engage with and understand these characters early on, so their motives and changes later are better understood. 

Please come prepared with questions that you come up with during your own reading, as they add to the discussion and make it fun!

There is no reading assignment for tomorrow. I'm going to use this time to make sure we are all on the same page (wink, wink). 

Excellent work today! Have a great night!


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