Monday, April 28, 2014

Huck Finn Chapters 7-11

BellringerHow has the story changed now that Huck is heading down the river?

Recap: We picked up our discussion today with chapter 7, and continued through 11. You've all been bringing such inquisitiveness and insight to the novel! Keep up the good work!

Period 1/2 Chapters 7,8,9
Period 1/2 Chapters 10,11, 12

Period 7/8 Chapters 7,8,9
Period 7/8 Chapters 10,11,12

If you were absent today, we are reading chapters 13-18 tonight for homework. If you are assigned one of these chapters, please have discussion questions ready for tomorrow's class.

Friday will be our Socratic seminar. Topics will be assigned Wednesday. You will need a chromebook or tablet in order to participate.

Have a nice night!


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