Thursday, April 10, 2014

Walt Whitman and a Nature Walk

BellringerHow does Walt Whitman’s statement fit into the transcendental movement?

“I exist as I am, that is enough.”~ Walt Whitman

Recap: We took a closer look at Walt Whitman today to help round out our transcendentalist authors. We began with a mini biography from You Tube, which helped to highlight some of the traits that made him such a well-respected writer. Whitman is more noted for his poetry, so we then examined two parts of his poem "Song of Myself." We picked out the transcendental themes as a class. I want you to become more comfortable going back and analyzing writing. There are many of these themes in Huck Finn, so I want you to be able to look for them when we read it after spring break. 

Below is the analysis we came up with as a class. 

Following our analysis we took a walk outside by the pond. This was meant to be technology-free, so you could be more in-tune with your surroundings. You all did SUCH a great job with this! I was worried you wouldn't be able to give up your music or phones, but you ALL did with success! Once outside, you were asked to compose a one-paragraph reflection on how you were feeling while out there, or just an observation of your surroundings. You all did so well, I would love for us to do this again when we read Huck Finn.

EXCELLENT work today! You made me so proud! Have a nice night!


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