Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Act II Conclusion

BellringerHow does this statement from Rev.Hale predict the future of the trial, along with its absurdity?

“Believe me, Mr.Nurse, if Rebecca Nurse be tainted, then nothing’s left to stop the whole green world from burning” ~Hale, Act II

Recap: We concluded Act II today, discovering that Abigail has framed Elizabeth with the poppet doll. Abigail watches Mary sew the doll in court, ending with the needle in its belly. She then begins screaming during dinner, and Rev. Parris finds a needle in Abigail's stomach. Abigail claims Elizabeth has afflicted her, and Elizabeth is taken away in handcuffs on this "proof."
John Proctor threatens Mary Warren, knowing this is a set-up, and Mary says that she knows about their affair. If John forces Mary to testify against Abigail, or he goes to the court and claims this is a fraud, Abigail will charge him with lechery.
We also find out that Rebecca Nurse has been arrested for the "supernatural murder of Ann Putnam's babies," and Martha Corey for "bewitching a neighbor's pig." As you can see, this has more to do with past grudges and vengeance than witchcraft.

Below are the notes from today. We will have our test on Act II, Friday. I want to use tomorrow as a day to work on the close reading web, and really get into the "Says, Means, Matters" for your papers. 

Awesome work today! I love being your teacher!


P.S Don't forget to participate in Spirit Week next week! 

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