Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Salem Witch Trials Re-Trial

BellringerWhat are your thoughts on this play and this unit, overall?

Recap: We reviewed the 10 vocabulary terms before completing the quiz. I changed the review today, and you were asked to come up with 3 synonyms, 3 antonyms, and 3 examples for each. Doing so helped to provide additional terms and associations for each word, and I noticed an improvement in quiz scores!

Following the quiz, you were split into groups based on your earlier research. Each group was asked to come up with a minimum of 10 questions for the defense and 10 for the prosecution. The jury will also be asked to come up with questions, and will need to create clarifying questions on the fly during the trial.

Tomorrow in class we will hold a re-trial. Your group's objective is to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that either Abigail and the girls were truly afflicted by witchcraft, or that the people who were hanged were not truly witches.

Additionally, you will need to have your characters chosen for your character analysis. We will work on the outlines for your papers tomorrow.

Have a nice night!


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