Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Crucible Day 2

Bellringer: What do you think the following quote reveals about the characters' true motives?

“It’s a sin to conjure and we---” ~Mary Warren, Act I

Recap: We read the next part of Act I, discovering that Ann Putnam was the reason for the girls being in the woods. She had sent them to Tituba to discover why her 7 babies had died. Abby maintains they have only been dancing, and threatens the girls if they reveal anything beyond the dancing.
Betty has been "asleep" most of this time, but wakes up to tell Abigail that she did not say that they drank blood. This shows she has been at least semi-conscious this whole time, and is aware of what's going on.

John Proctor, then, arrives, and we find out that he and Abigail have had an affair. Abigail tries to re-ignite this flame, but John quickly shuts her down. He knows he has committed a sin, and is finding it difficult to keep up the facade of a "good and moral citizen."
We have also discovered that most of this issue may be more politically motivated, and have to do with local land, rather than actual witchcraft. 

Remember, please keep this question in mind: Is this speculation, or are they creating a lie? 

Homework: Sentences for vocab terms 1-20. Vocab quiz tomorrow. 

The character notes from the board are below.

Great work today! Thank you for making this play so much fun! 


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