Friday, March 14, 2014

Beginning Act III

BellringerHow does Mary Warren’s following quote threaten John, and what does it reveal about what she knows regarding Abigail’s motive?

“Abby’ll charge lechery on you” ~Act II

Recap: We completed a rigorous game of Kahoot! today reviewing for your Act II test. Please be sure as we're reading that you're noting your bellringers and important passages. I'm noticing you are more concerned with other work and cell phones, and it's catching up with you on the tests.

We then began Act III. This is going to be where most of the important action occurs, as this is what the rest of the play has been building up to.

Francis Nurse and Giles Corey have come to court to speak on behalf of their wives, but Danforth states he doesn't have time for their confessions. Francis then speaks up and declares that the girls are frauds. This will be taken more seriously because of who he is, and the fact that he has not voiced any previous complaints, unlike Proctor.
Mary Warren then admits the girls lied, which makes Danforth and his court look foolish, as he has already sentenced 72 people to die. 
We concluded with the discovery of Elizabeth being pregnant, and Proctor stating Elizabeth would never lie. This will come back to haunt them.

Great work today! Enjoy the weekend!

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