Sunday, March 23, 2014

Act IV--Part 2

BellringerHow does Danforth show what truly matters to him with the following? How is their justice fair?

“I cannot pardon these when twelve are already hanged for the same crime.” ~ Act IV

Recap: We completed Act IV, and the play! This final part of Act IV showed John Proctor willing to confess to witchcraft in order to save his life; however, Danforth then insists on a written confession that can be hung on the church doors for all to see. John refuses to comply, as he feels his confession in front of so many witnesses is already enough. After signing his deposition, John tears it up; thus, ensuring he is hanged for witchcraft.
Below are the notes for what we read on Friday. Your test on Act IV will be Monday.

Great work this week! You have all been working so hard, and I am so proud of that! Enjoy your weekend!


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