Monday, March 3, 2014

Salem Witch Trials Group Project

Bellringer: What was the most interesting/surprising piece of information you found through your research?

Recap: Groups presented their projects on Salem and the witch trials. These projects were meant to teach you about the true history of the trials, all while delving into research. I thought you did a nice job with the information. I understand that a great deal of the information is difficult to find, but I wanted you to have that challenge, as well. Not all research is easy; some takes work and patience. Those groups who toughed it out, and dug a bit deeper, your hard work paid off. 

I want you to be able to understand the context of Arthur Miller's story. Without this background knowledge, you won't have the same understanding of the play. Additionally, when we are finished, I want to hold a class trial based on your research and evidence.

Homework: Vocab matching sheet for tomorrow. 

Nice work today! Have a great night! Stay warm and dry!


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