Monday, March 17, 2014


BellringerWhat does the following reveal about Rev.Hale’s growing impatience with Rev.Parris and the trials?

“Is every defense an attack upon the court?” ~Act III

Recap: We picked up where we left off Friday, and more shocking revelations have come into play in Act III.

1. Mary Warren has admitted that she and the other girls have lied.
2. Elizabeth Proctor is pregnant, which will save her for another year.
3. Francis Nurse has revealed the girls as frauds.
4. Giles Corey takes the first attempt at finally revealing a motive when he says that Thomas Putnam is killing his neighbors for their land.
5. Danforth does not want to have to go through the embarrassment of admitting that they made a mistake, so it is easier to say the girls have lied now. He gives Mary Warren every opportunity to take her confession back.

The notes from Friday and today's class are posted below. You're doing a good job with this. I know the play can be tricky. Reviewing these notes will help to keep all of that clear, too.

Homework: Vocab quiz on Act II vocab is tomorrow. Act III test is Wednesday.

Have a nice evening!


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