Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Act III Finale

BellringerHow does Giles Corey’s outburst signify a turning point in the trial?

“This man is killing his neighbors for their land!” ~ Act III

Recap: We concluded Act III today. John Proctor admits that he and Abigail had an affair, which is how he knows she is a fraud. He wants to reveal her true motive, which is to get rid of Elizabeth so she can be with him. Elizabeth is brought in to confirm his story, but she lies to try and protect him, stating he never "strayed." Since John had stated Elizabeth has never lied, the court takes her statement as truth. This seals John's fate.

Abigail quickly diverts the attention away from this statement by exclaiming she sees a yellow bird in the rafters. She insists this is Mary Warren sending her spirit on them to afflict them. Danforth tells Mary that she will hang for being a witch, so Mary quickly rejoins Abby and the other girls, and says that John tried to make her sign the devil's book.

Danforth goes along with all of this, because it will help to save his reputation. Hale sees the ridiculousness of it all, and quits the court. 


Homework: If you did not finish your web in class, it is due tomorrow, with at least 3 examples of Says, Means, Matters. Your test on Act III is tomorrow.

Wear Red, White and Blue for spirit week! 

Have a great night!


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