Thursday, March 27, 2014

Crucible Movie

BellringerHow do you think the movie version of the play will differ from the written version?

Recap: We began watching the film version of "The Crucible," starring Daniel Day Lewis and Wynnona Rider. It's a great film, and very close to the play, since Arthur Miller was the screenwriter for it. I want you to see the play in action, as it will help to bring ideas together.

Character Analysis: Please remember that you will be working on your papers tomorrow. You need to complete the peer edit that has been sent to you, and it should be printed and submitted along with your papers on Tuesday. If you have any questions regarding the papers, please email me. We will also have Monday to discuss, but not work on them.

Reminder: If you would like a paper copy of Huckleberry Finn, I can order them through Amazon Prime for $3. Please get me the money by Tuesday, and I will be happy to order you a copy. Please note: this is NOT mandatory or required. It is simply if you would prefer to have a copy to mark up.

I will miss you all tomorrow. Have a nice weekend!


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